Branded Stationery: Have you got your look sorted?

As we head into a new financial year, now is the time to review your branded stationery supplies to ensure you have enough in stock and check that everything is looking high quality and consistent.

After all, this is the "face" you show your customers and prospects on a daily basis...

Your branded stationery and promotional items are the "face" you are showing your customers and target market on a daily basis.

How are you looking today?

We find the quickest and easiest way to do this necessary review each year is to first collect all your branded items and put it together as we have done here. Now take a look at how your logo is positioned and printed - is it consistent, are the colours still accurate, does it look like a business you would want to work with?

One of the benefits of working with a one-stop print show is that you have one person ensuring your brand on your promotional items and stationery and signage all looks consistent and is processed accurately. Sometimes this requires some tweaking and that is a very important part of what we do for you.

The next step is to look at how much stock you have of your printed items. The big advantage of digital printing these days is that you know longer need to print massive print runs to get a cost effective services. Now you can virtually print to order!

And the final step, of course, is see where the gaps are in your portfolio of branded stationery - maybe it's time to get a nice notepad & pen? Or is it time to get your envelopes printed too?

If you are at all unsure about where you're branded stationery is at then give our Customer Services team a call and we can come and review & assess it for you!


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