Our Annual Growing Competition Reaps Tomatoes

Our annual fruit or vegetable growing competition is normally judged (and is a major part of the entertainment!) at our staff Christmas party just before we close in December. We had to do things a little differently this year, however, thanks to the weather and hungry birds holding up our crops which pushed out our competition to late January for judging and feasting.

But, as you can see from the photos, the results were well worth the wait.

Armed with healthy seedlings and the Tui Tomato Growing Guide, all our participating staff were confident we would see some results this year, and hopefully, enjoy plenty of tasty tomatoes all summer too.


Steve was chosen as the judge as he had managed to kill his tomato plant very early on. We also agreed that green tomatoes be allowed to be included in the judging as some people still had more green tomatoes than red on their plants.

Prizes went to...

  • Largest Tomato = Sarah (Digital Department)
  • Most Unusual Shape - Shelli (Accounts)
  • Heaviest Yield = Pam (Bindery) @ 1.629kg

Congrats to all our mighty growers and winners!!! We hope you have enjoyed following our "growth path" too... Tomato relish anyone?


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